This was my 2nd attempt at a watercolor-based background. In this version, I got a lighter and smoother gradient Michael of the Dalauppror blog recommended. I love how bloggers share tips, tricks and recommendations. So thanks, Michael, and everyone else I've ever leaned on as well. I must remember it's ok to ask for help rather than rely on trial and error.
Here's the rest of the Scots warriors, the hearthguard, and the warlord in for another shot. The fellow with both hands in the air is giving off a "Braveheart" vibe and I can almost hear him yelling "FREEDOM!"
The Scots are done and off to a new home. That makes 7 factions painted out of 17 in SAGA. If paint 10 factions, I hear Studio Tomahawk offers the 11th free, just like Subway sandwiches!
+5 points if you can identify the musical shout-out in the post's title without Google.