Naked Warriors: These were easy to paint thanks to the great sculpts by Xyston-clearly a fit and trim bunch. While sculpting the hills and cliffs with clay was a messy and slow business, the end results were decent!
Light Cavalry: To my mind, the Impetus method of using one base per unit is genius. Light horse looks like lights, do they not? And you have the space to tell a story.
Medium Cavalry: Looking suitably tough as they descend a hill to loot a camp near you.
Light Chariots: Xyston doesn't do Gallic chariots so I grabbed these from Splintered Light Miniatures. I was very pleased with them, especially the shaggy ponies. Splintered Light is another top miniature modeler.
Javelinmen Skirmishers: In Impetus, a skirmisher base is 20 mm x 80 mm. I doubled these up for the visual effect.
Warriors: 10 bases of warriors. Xyston command packs have some heroic poses and the basing allows these figures to shine.
- 2 gentlemen in Kansas City will use my Romans and Pontics for a tabletop adaptation of Command and colors.
- A gentlemen in Wisconsin will use my Gauls in his Roman v. Barbarian slugfests.
- A gentlemen in Kentucky will surprise his club with my gladiators on game night.
- I'm getting a commission as well, which means I'm not done painting and basing Impetus.
- Lastly, I have funds for my next project. On to the next thing!