As I was looking at the options for Seven Years War armies, it dawned on me that I'd never painted a tricorn hat. And wasn't that #22 on my bucket list? Good lord, time to stop procrastinating and get my lace on! My friend Mark was working on his British-inspired ImagiNation army so I asked if he had any units I could train on, er, paint up. As luck would have it, he had a dandy SYW British Dragoon unit in the wings.
The beauty of painting outside your comfort zone is that, well, it's outside your comfort zone. The downside is that there are probably ten good reasons why it's outside your comfort zone. For me, I haven't read much on the Seven Years War and I had no reference material for the armies or era. I sent Mark a text asking if he had any inspirational material for his British Hussars. Oooops. Wrong word. I learned that Hussars and Dragoons don't mix, unless it's on a battlefield. After a bit of bumbling out of the gate, here are the results:
These Old Glory figs are crisp and loaded of detail. To my surprise, I discovered that each Dragoon carried more gear into battle than paratroopers took into Normandy. A brace of pistols, a musket, a sword, three separate ammo packs and a bed roll. They were Death on Hooves. If I do paint up a SYW army, I'll be ordering it from OG.
Next week, I'll try to turn this mdf board into terrain for Maurice.