Looking back, I keep a running tally of the figures I paint based on troop type, scale and project. In 2012, I painted 1,453 figures in 15mm
. To achieve this mark, I've forsaken almost all of my other hobbies and interests for painting. A man can only serve one Master and he calls me loudest from the painting table!
Mid-Republican army: 217
Pontic army: 162
Gallic army: 206
Ottomans: 164
Field of Glory
Ancient Spanish army: 262
Later Hungarian army v2: 218
Later Hungarian commission: 110
Ancients odds and ends: 90
Looking forward, I took the Saga plunge. A fellow was dumping his Saga projects on Bartertown and I snapped them up. By my count, it's enough Normans and Vikings to paint up 3 warbands for each side.
Over Christmas break, I started with the plastic GB Vikings. This is old news for many of you but the Gripping Beast plastic Vikings are fantastic. Great models, lots of options and a great value with 44 figures costing only $32.
I've limited the color palette and intensity for the first batch of Vikings. I'm going to have to decide whether to use LMBS shield transfers or paint shields from scratch. I've got 200+ figures to paint so maybe I'll put the time into figures and not shields. I also grabbed a tin of Army Painter Strong dip. I've never done AP dip so for one of the warbands, I'll give this a try as well.
4Ground Saxon hovel has been reviewed on other blogs but I thought I'd give this excellent product a quick shout out. The kit is fully assembled in less than 30 minutes! I'll be getting a few more of these.
What new projects have you got under way or queued for 2013?