So, about the head on a pike. I found two bannermen in this set and one banner, so it was time to improv. One of the two bannermen was channeling the Dead Rabbit gang to me. I dug up a head, drilled it and presto, the "Don't lose your head" gang is born. The Scots are a blast to paint and they're - wait for it - my favorite warband to date. I do seem to get my head turned by each new faction that comes down the pike.
For SAGA players, the Scots battleboard emphasizes defensive abilities while allowing for a counterpunch. Some of their standout abilities are:
Give Ground gives you the chance to reduce your opponent's attack dice. Ouch!
Hold the Ground adds 2 or 4 defensive dice.
Keeping the Distance: Allows a unit the benefit of being treated as in heavy cover for the turn.
Keeping the Distance: Allows a unit the benefit of being treated as in heavy cover for the turn.
Reach actives a movement and turns a unit (or 2) into javelin armed for the turn. Shooting up your opponent is a great way to goad them into a charge.
Tireless allows you to reduce fatigue by 1 at the end of the melee. Great for stacking 2 attacks in a turn.
They look to be another tough faction and it'll be interesting to see them out on the tabletop.
They look to be another tough faction and it'll be interesting to see them out on the tabletop.