My conversation with myself while painting Denison went something like this:
Self: "Don't hold back. Just slop it on. Randomly."
self: ""
Self: Checks a picture on the web, "Triangular blobs and sharp edges. Some overlap, but not too much. Don't put too much down and cover up the base color. And space it out a bit. And keep it random looking."
self: "Like this?"
Self: "No, you're doing it all wrong! Let me see that." Stares at picture on the web. "Hmmm."
self: "Told you it was hard!"
This is my first crack at painting WW II. It'll get easier and faster as I get more reps under my belt. Denison version 1 was applied to a Foundry test figure. I used a banding technique but it didn't look quite right so I quickly changed to v2. v2 went on the Warlords Games British Airborne HQ set below. I tried multidirectional angled bits that slopped over each other. These looked better but the Army Painter soft tone wash obscured the camo. Lets hope the 3rd time is a charm!
v3 went on a set of Crusader figs with a diluted AP wash. Success! They took paint very well and the camo looks decent. With a painting scheme under my belt, it's onto some lovely Artizan figs.
The painting scheme is tucked under the fold.