The heraldry was sourced from the Joan of Arc's Companion in Arms website. In this round, I cut the AP dip with mineral spirits to keep the knights a step brighter than the foot levy.
Two historical bits for you. As a huge fan of ancient history, and Roman history in particular, I was fascinated to discover that Vegetius' De Re Militari and Frontinus' Strategemata (Roman classics on military strategy and tactics) were widely read and discussed by knights during the HYW.
Also, men-at-arms fought on foot as often as on horseback. Sometimes, it was due to the loss of a mount but often it was a tactical choice. English armies were generally horsed during the HYW but as a tactical choice, knights
and men-at-arms generally dismounted for battle.
The fellow I'm painting HYW for is a hardcore medieval reenactor. In a meetup in France this year, three fellows were knocked out cold and had to be revived with smelling salts. Even a metal helmet can't save you from a hard knock upside the head! Helms off to the crazy fellows entertaining the crowds here.