
Sunday, July 1, 2012

How does your gaming group communicate?

Our gaming group is communication challenged. We announce the date and time of our meets via email but typically, only one or two members respond to the request for a headcount.  Consequently, we have no idea who'll show up until the day of the event.  The lack of feedback hamstrings our ability to plan. One members recently volunteered to run a special event in August but only two people confirmed so that special event is likely off.  I asked the guys via email if there's another format they'd rather use for communicating club business but ironically,  I received no response.  Communication FAIL! That's the setup for today's poll:

How does your gaming group communicate?

Friday, June 22, 2012

3 Legions ranked up

Every project should start with a good deal of planning. Upstream planning prevents downstream headaches, like discovering your army is too small or the troop mix is not quite what you need.  In case you haven't noticed, I'm lecturing myself.

When I painted up my Mid Republican Romans in January, I went small. I was eager to move on and paint my  Pontics so I quit the Romans early. As my Pontic army grew, I realized I needed to circle back and buff up my Romans so that they could be the equal of the Pontics on the field of battle.  Smack in the middle of my other projects, I stopped to order up and paint Triarii, more Hastati, Pricipes and Velites so I could field 3 large legions in Impetus. The upside is, they do look sharp all massed up!  Corinth, bar the gates.  The boys are back in town!

Firemonkeyboy posted photos of his excellent command stands for his Impetus army.  The rules don't require them but I liked the look enough that I did the same. Like the Romans used to say, in for a Solidus, in for a Denarius!

Roman camp, 3 legions and now command stands...I declare the Roman project finito. And we'll exit to the exquisite harmonies of Cindy Wilson and Kate Pierson singing "Roam." Seriously, there isn't a lot of Roman themed pop music that I could think of so this will have to do.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pontic Heavy Cavalry

Last unit up are Persian Xystophoroi cavalry, representing the elite Pontic heavy cavalry.  The Impetus Pontic list allows a "Heavy Cavalry" option so you have leeway in choosing figures to represent this unit.  I chose Xyston's Xystophoroi to emphasize Mithridates' Hellenistic bend.

These scupts are phenomenal, packed with so much detail that they tested my painting abilities. I believe they are the best 15mm figures I've painted to date.  I generally find triads in 15mm a time consuming technique that doesn't pay proper dividends but the capes on these fellows are the exception to the rule. Just like new parents can't wait to show off their baby, I can't wait to show off mine!
The Pontics are the Swiss army knife of 88 BC with loads and loads of options!  At the finish line, my Pontic army is:

2 units of Heavy Cavalry
2 units of Rhoxolani Cavalry
2 units of Skythian Light Cavalry
1 unit of Arachosian Light Cavalry
1 Scythed Chariot
3 units of Thureophoroi foot
1 unit of Paphlagonian Javelinmen
2 unit of Bastarnae
4 units of Phalangite Pike
4 units of Galatians
2 Slinger skirmishers
2 Archer skirmishers

I like to close my projects with a musical number.  Mithridates went to war with Rome 3 times in his life so  I leave you with War "Why Can't We Be Friends?"